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DMC Threads R13.50 each.

Blending / Tweeding Threads

Blended Threads, also known as tweeding is the quite simply put, using 2 (sometimes more) DIFFERENT colour strands in your needle at the same time.

The purpose of blended threads is to create a two-tone effect which ultimately adds texture and movement to the design. 

There is no specific area where it is mostly used as it can be used in skin tones, fur on animals, grass in landscape designs, flowers, petals, dresses…& more.

In cross stitch it is depicted as:

1 Strand each of:

Colour X and colour Y

Sometimes blending can refer to using blending filament (a type of metallic thread) PLUS a strand or more of a solid colour. For example:  1 strand of kreinik blending filament PLUS 1 strand of DMC colour XYZ.  OR 2 strands of blending filament PLUS 1 strand DMC. The pattern instructions will always indicate colour and amount of strands to be used.

Solid threads (DMC) that are blended with filaments (Kreinik) are done in order to create a sparkle effect, for example, a night sky, fairy wings or Christmas designs.

Remember though that when working with kreinik filament, it is always best to use a thread conditioner such as Thread Heaven.

The blended stitch will always have its own symbol on the chart.

When working with blended threads

  • Always cut both colours the exact same length. Short lengths are best
  • Never allow your threads to twist in the needle. They must lay flat on your work in order to create the desired effect
  • Keep a separate needle for each blended thread combination for that project. A needle organiser comes in handy for this purposes

Blending can also be used in hand embroidery in order to create a different colour tone which would not normally be found in a range of colours. Designers tend to blend colours in order to create more shades as the manufacturers shade cards can be limiting.

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